
The causes of foot fetish

The causes of foot fetish

Foot fetish toys attract many foot fetish guys.
Many people try to explain this behavior foot fetish, so far, however, no single answer. Physiologically, neurologist Vilayanur S. Ramachandran that the sensitive area in the cerebral cortex, neurons located in proximity to the neurons responsible for reproductive and feet, which is in the subconscious in the foot and reproductive organs linked. Olfactory instinct of the human animal is regarded as a reason for foot fetish, some experts believe that women's foot and vaginal are odor, therefore heterosexual libido stimulus to form a foot fetish. Individual researchers, foot fetish might lead like sheep epilepsy, brain damage due to a natural
Psychology and psychoanalysis have their own views on the foot fetish. The psychologist Freud think that women's feet, especially in China, are often hidden men through peeping female feet can get psychologically Kuipo others secret pleasure.
Psychoanalyst experienced in childhood others have sex with men may subconsciously "castration fear, so they can not grow up normal plug under-intercourse, thus looking for something else If someone else's foot instead.
Some people think that the environmental impact and the sexual experience is closely related to the formation of the foot fetish, when adolescents experienced initial sexual excitement, if they met the female foot, may be it sexual arousal link and like this as a future sexual stimulation. Physician Popov, the former Soviet Union, cited one case, a boy first sexual excitement, female thigh hole to see the keys in the women's bathroom, from which the boy saw the female thigh on sexual arousal. Another theory is that the ankle of Philip degrees easily reminiscent of the female buttocks in order to attract men.